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The work of Heifitz and Linsky in their seminal book “The Tools and Practice of Adaptive Leadership” has been very influential in my work.

It’s a great philosophy, metaphor and set of mental models and tools that allow for personal and organisational transformation.

Being Explicit

I’m not talking here about foul language! I’m talking here about the importance of making sure that we don’t assume the other party “gets” where you’re coming from. Make sure you take care of your words and that are saying exactly what you want the other party to hear, including your intention and personal investment in the conversation you’re having.

Hoping Actions Speak Louder Than Words

If you have a purpose, share it. If you have intent, openly discuss and communicate it. Don’t leave it for others to guess.

Importance of the Conversation

Apart from watching you and learning from your role-modelling, the only frontier where others truly experience your leadership is in the conversation you are having with them. Pay attention to your words and behaviours as they speak almost exclusively for your leadership agenda. Especially if you don’t walk the talk afterwards.

Signal and Static

My friend and mentor Dr Ron Warren, author of the Drivers and Derailers of Leadership, and founder of the LMAP psychometric, first introduced me to the term signal vs noise when describing behaviour/personality development goals.

Asking People to Change is Easy – Actually Changing is Hard

We need to remember that when we give feedback we’re asking people to adopt change. And that’s not easy. Easy to ask for, but not easy to do.